Make Fall Maintenance Easy: Join our Maintenance Club

Professional HVAC technicians recommend having regular maintenance done on your system twice a year - once in the spring before you turn on the air conditioning and once in the fall, before switching over to heat. Keeping your HVAC in good shape is a way to save yourself money, keep your loved ones comfortable and healthy, and extend your system’s lifespan. Now is the perfect time to join 360 Air Tech’s Maintenance Club and schedule your fall visit from one of our highly-trained team members.

When you join the Maintenance Club, you will receive lots of benefits that will save you money and help your heating and cooling system operate efficiently all year long. The fall is a great time to join as we gear up for cooler weather. You don’t want to wait until the coldest day of the year for your heating system to break down. As part of routine maintenance, our technicians will make sure that all parts are in good order. If anything looks a little worn out or is showing signs of strain, we will fix or replace it so that a small problem doesn’t grow into something bigger and more expensive. By joining the Maintenance Club, you are guaranteed a 1 year warranty and a 10% discount on all parts and labor completed by 360 Air Tech.

This winter is going to be a cold one, and natural gas prices are on the rise. So having an efficient heating system is especially important this year. A well-maintained HVAC system uses less energy, which results in lower operating costs. This translates to a lower heating bill at the end of the month. A system that is working hard to produce heated air is going to use more energy. By  making sure your HVAC is well cared for, you are saving a lot of money in the long run - anywhere from 5 to 40% on your heating bill.

The goal of regular maintenance is to have the HVAC system run as close to perfect for as long as possible. Efficiency is the name of the game. Any time a part starts to show wear and tear, or something is not operating at peak performance, our team is there to make adjustments or replacements so that the entire machine can work as efficiently as possible. As a member of our Maintenance Club, your heating and cooling system will receive the best care. Instead of having a different company come out every time you have an issue, 360 Air Tech will get to know the ins and outs of your particular system.

The average HVAC system can last anywhere from 10 to 20 years. Regular maintenance will extend the lifespan, which will save you lots of money. Systems today can range anywhere from $15,000 to $40,000 so every year that you can continue to use your current HVAC is one more year that you don’t have to take on the huge price tag of a new system. 360 Air Tech will keep your current system working as efficiently as possible, which will save you money on your monthly heating and cooling bills, and on the overall cost of a new HVAC. Don’t wait any longer to sign up for our Maintenance Club - every day you wait, you are losing money.

If you are hesitant to join the Maintenance Club because you know you will be moving to a new home, don’t worry. Membership is transferable to other locations. Whether you are living in a new build, or if you favor the old and eclectic, our team has decades of experience in the field and can work with whatever type of HVAC system your home has. So no matter how often you move, if you live on the Virginia Peninsula, you won’t lose your Maintenance Club membership. 360 Air Tech will be there for you!

The Farmer’s Almanac is predicting that the winter of 2021-2022 for the mid-Atlantic region will be cold and wet, with the possibility of a few snow storms. A cold forecast combined with the rising cost of natural gas means that heating your home this year could be expensive. Winter is coming, but you don’t have to wait to join 360 Air Tech’s Maintenance Club. Become a member now and start saving money and start benefiting from the experience of our highly trained team. Call 360 Air Tech today to schedule your next maintenance visit.

When is it Time to Replace Your HVAC?

Most people don’t look forward to replacing their HVAC system because it is expensive. However, the Department of Energy recommends replacing your heating and cooling system every 10 to 15 years, depending on its quality, where you live, and how often you use it. To extend the lifespan of your HVAC, you should have annual check-ups with a certified HVAC specialist twice a year: once in the spring, before turning on the air-conditioning, and once in the fall before switching over to heat. There are many things you can do on your own to help your system live longer, but eventually, you will need a replacement because your current HVAC just won’t be able to operate efficiently anymore.

When talking about repairing or replacing your air conditioning unit, here are some thoughts to consider:

  • The Age of the System: How old is your HVAC? While most systems have a lifespan of 10 to 15 years, some may need to be replaced sooner, and others might last a little longer. This depends on how well your system is maintained. Having a check-up twice a year with a certified HVAC technician will ensure your system is running efficiently and help you be on the lookout for any problems that might come up. If you live somewhere where you run the system frequently, you will have to get a replacement sooner. If you don’t have regular maintenance done, the system will need to be replaced sooner also. Another benefit of having regular maintenance is the technician will get to know your system and give you some warning so you can begin to save up for a replacement. Most systems cost between $5,000 and $10,000 - between $25 and $60 per square foot. If your system is getting close to 10 years, it’s time to start saving up for a new one.
  • Comfort: Another warning sign that a system needs to be replaced is that it can no longer keep your home at a comfortable temperature. If you are constantly lowering the temperature in the summer, but never feel cool, it could be time for a replacement.
  • Cost of Bills: Keeping track of your heating and cooling bills is a great habit to get into. It can help you to see trends in your spending and to be on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary. Energy bills will naturally rise in the winter and summer months because you are running the heat or air conditioning. However, December’s energy bill should look about the same every year. If this year’s bill is higher than last year, you should be aware. This could be a sign that your system’s efficiency is on the decline, and a new HVAC might be needed soon.
  • Cost of Repairs: If a repair costs more than half of the replacement cost of a new HVAC, you should get a new system and not pay for the repair. In order to know what a replacement would cost, you might need to do some research. What is your price range? What is the square footage of your home? Talking to a certified HVAC technician at 360 Air  Tech will help you answer these questions and give you suggestions on the best make and model to suit your needs.
  • Air Quality: Humidity, mildew, and mold are all signs that you might need a new HVAC. These warning signs will usually appear during the summer. They can have a huge impact on the quality of air that you and your loved ones are breathing. Part of an HVAC’s job is to filter air and keep it clean. You should replace your filters about 3 times a year, but there are other things that can cause problems with air quality as well. After changing your filter, if the problem persists, schedule an appointment with 360 Air Tech and consider replacing your HVAC.
  • Smells, Sounds, and Dust: Unusual smells when you come home may have to do with your HVAC system. It could be old wires burning or mold growing in the ductwork. If you hear weird sounds, contact an HVAC specialist ASAP - HVAC systems should operate relatively quietly. Any grinding or squealing could be a symptom of a bigger problem. Dust build-up can also be a signal of an underlying issue. Air should move efficiently throughout your home, and any lingering dust should be trapped in the HVAC’s filter. If you notice an unusual amount of dust, the system is probably not moving the way it should, and you might need to get a new one.

Buying a new HVAC system is a chore that no one really looks forward to. It can be expensive, it can be intimidating trying to pick out the right one, and it can be hard to decide if it really is time to get a new one, or not. Having a knowledgeable HVAC specialist to help you navigate this decision can take the stress out of the situation. Call 360 Air Tech today to discuss options for your home, and to schedule your next HVAC maintenance appointment.

Allergy Season is Upon Us

Whether you personally deal with allergies or not, odds are that a loved one in your family probably does. Itchy, watery eyes, congestion, sneezing, difficulty breathing - allergies are no fun. Spring and fall can be especially difficult for those of us that deal with seasonal allergies, and making a few adjustments to your HVAC system can turn your home or office into a place of relief, all year round. It might surprise you to know that EPA studies report that indoor air can actually be 2 to 5 times more polluted than outdoor air, so make sure that your HVAC system is circulating clean air is critical for everyone. Here are some tips to help keep your space as free from allergens and irritants as possible.

Air Filters

No matter what time of year, you should change the air filters in your HVAC system. They help cleanse the air and make the system run efficiently. A filter that is overdue to be changed clogs up the air flow, making the system work harder, and it can’t trap floating particles as well as a new filter. Depending on the quality of the filter you use, it should be changed about every 3 months. Filters are very easy to change, and you can even sign up for a subscription. No need to keep track of when to change the filter, just change it when a new filter is shipped to your door.

Other factors to consider include the indoor and outdoor environments. You may need to change the filter more often or purchase a higher-quality filter. Indoor air can be more polluted because it lacks the natural filtration system and space that outdoor air has. Plants, clouds, and the water cycle all help to filter pollutants out naturally. Air inside has much less space to move through, and no natural systems to clean it. We also use a lot of chemicals in our homes, whether we realize it or not. Cleaning supplies, wood-burning fireplaces, and hair products may all be releasing chemicals or irritants into your home. Once in the air, they circulate throughout the space and become something you breathe in. Think about these questions:

  • Does someone in the home smoke?
  • Are there animals in the home?
  • Do we live in an area with a heavy pollen season?
  • Do we live in a heavily populated area or near heavy traffic?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, you may want to consider upgrading to a HEPA filter. HEPA means “high-efficiency particulate air” filter. According to the EPA “, this type of air filter can theoretically remove at least 99.97% of dust, pollen, mold, bacteria, and any airborne particles with a size of 0.3 microns (µm).” The size specified is the most penetrative, worst kind of particle. Other size particles are trapped even more efficiently. If you are interested in HEPA filters, contact 360 AirTech to discuss what option would fit your home best.


This tricky irritant can sometimes be hard to see because it loves to grow in places that we can’t see. Parts of the HVAC can be prone to growing mold because they hold moisture and humidity. Hiring a trained HVAC technician to complete regular maintenance will reduce the chances of mold growing in your system because they are trained to detect and correct mold problems within the system. Left untreated, mold spores can circulate throughout your home which can cause symptoms similar to hay fever.

Carbon Monoxide

Carbon monoxide is very difficult for humans to detect. It is odorless, tasteless, and invisible. Small amounts of gas can cause weakness, dizziness, headaches, and nausea. It can also cause people to develop symptoms similar to allergies. So while you may be thinking that you are just suffering from seasonal allergies, it could actually be a much bigger problem. It is important to know if there is a carbon monoxide leak in your home - large amounts of it can be deadly. Installing a carbon monoxide detector can save lives.


Most HVAC specialists recommend having regular maintenance completed twice a year: once before turning on your air conditioning, and once before switching over to heat. Not only do these visits extend the life and efficiency of your HVAC system, but they can also reduce the number of allergens, irritants, and pollutants in your home. Technicians are trained to look out for signs of mold, filter issues, and anything else that might reduce the cleanliness of the air in a space.

Give 360 AirTech a call today to discuss your next maintenance visit, and how you can improve the health of your home or office.

HVAC Maintenance and A/C Repair

Whether you are at the height of a summer heatwave or preparing for a cold front in the winter, it is vital that your HVAC system is well taken care of. Scheduling maintenance twice a year will lengthen the life of your current HVAC and it will keep it operating efficiently. You save money by not having to buy a new heating and cooling system, and you save money on your energy bill. Trained specialists recommend having your system tuned up every spring, before turning on the air conditioning, and every fall, before switching on the heat. Check out 360 Air Techs maintenance club to make sure your HVAC system is always running efficiently. With spring on its way, here is what to expect when you schedule a maintenance visit with a trained HVAC specialist, to prepare for summer:


A trained technician will complete a walk-through of your home or office, looking for obvious issues, such as air vents blocked by your couch, or large gaps in exterior doors. They are looking for anywhere that the airflow could be impeded or leak out. You can also be on the lookout for places that reduce airflow efficiency in your home. Anything that blocks air vents, or spaces along doors or windows that air can escape can reduce your HVAC system’s efficiency.

Air-conditioner Check

In the Mid-Atlantic, our summers are hot, muggy, and humid. Having a reliable air conditioning system is key to the comfort of your home. Technicians will generally complete a specific checklist to make sure your cooling system is ready to run.

  • Check and change the air filters: The filters should be changed multiple times a year. It is an easy way that you can help maintain the system by yourself. Ask the technician to show you how to replace the filter. The filter will say how frequently it should be changed - usually every 3 to 4 months. If you live in a home with a smoker, lots of pet dander, a high pollen area, or with someone with breathing issues, you may want to consider purchasing a filter with higher quality.
  • Check connections and motors: The technician will make sure all the parts of the air conditioner unit are moving smoothly and are well lubricated. They will also check and tighten connections and measure the voltage of the unit.
  • Calibrate the thermostat: By checking the thermostat, the technician will be able to tell if it is properly calibrated. If it isn’t, they will be able to recalibrate it, saving you money and increasing the system’s efficiency.
  • Check the drain near the boiler or furnace: A clogged drain can cause overflow when water condensation builds up. This is also something you can check on your own, just ask the technician what you should look for.
  • Note if any parts of the air conditioning unit need repair: The technician can see if there are any existing issues, or if there are any warning signs for things that may become a problem.

According to the Department of Energy, there are few air conditioner repairs that are quite common:

  • Refrigerant Leaks: Air conditioners run most efficiently when they have the proper amount of refrigerant - not too much and not too little. If your unit is low on refrigerant, it could have been undercharged during installation, or you could have a leak. A technician can identify the issue, repair the leak, and double-check to make sure that it is sealed. Leaking refrigerant causes the system to run inefficiently and it is also bad for the environment.
  • Electric Control Issues: the air conditioner operates with a fan, motor, and wire connections. If any of these wear out or have a bad connection, it can cause big problems when cooling your home or office. Regular maintenance can point out any upcoming problems or fix any existing ones. Instead of thinking you need to buy an entirely new air conditioner, you may just need a bit of new wiring or a fan.
  • Sensor Problems: If a sensor is knocked out of place, it could cause the system to run constantly, which will significantly reduce a system’s lifespan. A sensor that is out of place can’t measure the temperature properly. Replacing the sensor properly is an easy fix for a trained technician.

Don’t wait until your air conditioner gives out in the middle of a heatwave this summer! Give 360 Air Tech a call today to schedule a spring maintenance walk-through with one of our highly trained technicians.

Benefits of Zone HVAC System

Most homeowners don't realize the benefits of a zone HVAC system. Have you ever considered switching from a whole-house HVAC system to something with zones? There's no better time than now to make the change. There are many reasons why a zone HVAC system is better than a traditional whole-house HVAC. It can save you money on your heating and cooling bill, and it makes spaces more comfortable to live in. It can improve the air quality in your home, and you can individualize spaces based on use and personal preference. If you need your HVAC System upgraded or have questions about a zone HVAC system you can call us now!

If you have a zoned HVAC system now and are looking for maintenance or repairs service, we can help. Book an appointment now!

How does a zone HVAC system work?

If you already have ductwork installed in your home, you could have a new HVAC zoned system installed. Instead, if your existing system is still in good shape, you could opt to have remote-controlled dampers installed into the ductwork system you already have. One type of zoned system works by having dampers open or close, to redirect air to specific areas of the house. Another system operates with individual units in each space. If you don’t already have ducts in your home, there are systems that are ductless. This would save money and time on a duct install.

Regardless of whether your system uses ducts or not, the zoned HVAC systems all operate similarly. You divide your home into zones and then adjust the temperature for each on your thermostat, based on your preferences and needs. Many systems have individual thermostats for each zone. Everyone has colder areas that they want to warm up, and if you live with an elderly person, you might want to make their bedroom warmer at night. A zoned HVAC system gives you the ability to tailor each space to your needs.

Benefits of a HVAC Zoned system

Individualized comfort

If you have children that get cold easily but you sleep better in a cold room, you can turn up the heat in their zone while not having to sacrifice your own comfort. If you work from home, and your office space is always a bit drafty, you can send more heat to that area without heating up the rest of the house.

Save money

Most of us have spaces in our homes that we don’t use all year. If you have a guest room or sunroom that is only used occasionally or seasonally, you shouldn’t spend energy heating or cooling those spaces unless they are in use. The dampers can re-direct air away from those spaces, and you only heat or cool those spaces when needed.

Easy to use

Most zoned systems work with a set of smart thermostats that can be operated remotely, from a smartphone. These are user-friendly and give you control, even when you are not at home. If you are out for the day and forgot to turn the heat down, you can do it from your phone. If the temperature drops faster than expected, you can also adjust the thermostat in the desired zones while you’re away, and walk into a toasty space.

Extended lifespan

You can reduce the workload on your zoned HVAC system by having different zones for heating and cooling. Instead of trying to maintain a constant temperature throughout the whole house, you can lower the temperature in the winter, in unused spaces. This means less work for your system, which leads to a longer life.

A zoned HVAC system is ideal for almost any home or workspace because it allows you control and individualized comfort for each zone. Whether you are looking for a new system, or you want to turn your existing HVAC into a zoned system, there are many options to consider. Give us a call today at 360 Air Tech and we will help you determine which brand and model would be the best fit for your home or workplace. If you already have an HVAC zoned system and need maintenance or repair, book an appointment for HVAC services now!