The Importance of HVAC Preventative Maintenance

The importance of HVAC preventative maintenance cannot be underestimated. Having an HVAC system in your home means that you can stay cool as summer temperatures heat up. However, it is vital that you take care of your unit so that it can run as efficiently as possible. No one wants to call in the HVAC specialist on the hottest day of the year due to a malfunction - so keep your system in tip-top shape by scheduling preventative HVAC maintenance today! There are so many reasons why maintaining your HVAC system is important, here are just a few to consider.

Save yourself money

Preventative maintenance can save you a ton of money, in many different ways. The most obvious way is through efficiency. The more efficient your system is, the less money you spend to keep your home cool. Another big way maintenance saves you money is by extending the life of your system. To replace an HVAC system, the costs can range from $5,000 to more than $10,000. The lifespan of a system, without maintenance, is between 10 and 15 years, but with regular preventative maintenance, systems can live an additional 10 years. So would you rather buy a new HVAC system every 10 years, or would you rather maintain your current system for 25 years? Seems like a no-brainer.

Keep your loved ones safe

Preventative maintenance can literally be a lifesaver. Most HVAC technicians recommend 2 visits a year: 1 before turning on your cooling system, and 1 before switching to heat in the fall. By inspecting your system, you can make sure that the air your system is moving throughout your home is clean and safe. Especially in the spring and fall, allergens such as pollen and other outside irritants pass through the system’s air filters. By changing filters and making sure your system is running properly, you can help your loved ones breathe more easily. In the colder months, there is the risk of carbon monoxide exposure. By scheduling preventative maintenance with a fully certified technician, that risk is lowered. We can also install carbon monoxide detectors.

Help the environment

A system that runs efficiently uses less energy, and less energy helps the environment. If a system is not well-maintained, more energy must be used to cool the air and push it throughout the home. A duct that is leaking air up into the attic is draining the efficiency from your system, just like a clogged air filter is forcing the system to try to push past the blockage. By scheduling preventative maintenance, you are making sure your system is running as efficiently as possible. If issues are discovered, technicians will make the proper adjustments or repairs to get you back on track. Stay cool while helping the environment.

Spot potential issues

Our technicians are highly trained with years of experience. When completing preventative maintenance, they know what to look for. Not only are they going to spot current problems, but they will also be on the lookout for potential issues. That way they can catch it and fix it before it becomes bigger. There is nothing worse than having your air conditioning cut out on the hottest day of the year.

Maintaining your HVAC system is vital, especially during the summer months. Save money, save energy, and save yourself peace of mind. Give us a call today at 360 Air Tech to schedule your next HVAC preventative maintenance visit. Get it on the calendar before the summer heat hits!